Sunday, April 15, 2007

Happy Jackie Robinson Day!

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As I am sure many of you are already aware of, today The Dodgers and MLB are commemorating the 60th anniversary of Jackie Robinson's historic big league debut.
He was a great man that changed the face of sports as we know it and was also very loyal to his team, as he announced his retirement after he had been traded to the hated New York Giants on January 5, 1957.

Robinson was a four-sport star athlete at UCLA, but it is also worth mentioning that Robinson's worse sport by far was baseball.

Football: Robinson led the nation in punt returns in 1939 and 1940. In 1940, he led the Bruins in rushing, passing, total offense, and scoring. He had an impressive 5.9 yards per carry average

Basketball: Robinson was the two-time leading scorer of the Pacific Coast Conference's Southern Division.

Track and Field: Robinson was the 1940 NCAA long jump champion and would have almost certainly been on the U.S. Olympic team if the games had not been canceled.

Baseball: Robinson batted a dismal 0.097 for the Bruins during the 1940 California Intercollegiate Baseball Association season. Really.

Thanks for your imprint in baseball, Jackie Robinson.

Also today is the last day of spring break.
Wayyy too short!
And I don't wanna get up early for zero period tomorrow.
Anyway, hope you all had a good one.
See y'all tomorrow
Peace out.

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